Travel inspired merchandise

Our Story


My name is Brenda, lover of all things travel and founder of Bouncetogo. I'm the young at heart but age-appropriate mother of 2 sons Kd & Notti (nicknames) and grandma as I'm called by Titan Dash...all 3 I affectionately call Brenda Boys! Whenever I was asked the question, "what’s your favorite thing to do?" Something travel related always came to mind! 

I love experiencing other cultures through delicious food, hanging out with the locals, pampering myself with luxurious accommodations or keeping it rugged and for me is rejuvenating, therapeutic, fun, exhilarating and a million other wonderful things that make me happy! Trappin & Traveling is my mantra and is a real lifestyle because I work hard and travel harder!

I wanted to create a platform to book travel and showcase travel inspired tshirts and products that are useful and truly represent a traveler's lifestyle. Whether you're a local day tripper, wondering around places or you caught feelings and caught a flight our products are intended to connect with the traveler in you.

I thank each one of you for your support, the appreciation is beyond measure! 

